Chillington Heavy Duty Hoe / Digging Azada comes with handle included
The Chillington Heavy Duty Hoe or Digging Hoe is a garden tool for digging what could be described as 'virgin ground' or hard ground. This impressively robust tool is the mainstay of some agricultural workers and market gardeners, just as the garden spade is to the DIY gardener. In fact this tool is far superior and faster than your typical garden spade.
The Head measures 215mm x 165mm and is about as heavy as you could use comfortably, weighing 1.1kg.
The handle is the secret for using these digging hoes. It acts as a lever to break the compacted soil loose and lift it from the ground. You can actually lift the end of the handle with one finger. It has been specially designed to provide more hoeing power with less effort on your part. The hoe head can chop straight through tree roots and clear the densest of weedy ground. Briars and woody growth pose no problem, and you are able to clear the root system at the same time.
In some countries these tools are known as digging azadas or heavy duty azadas. They are a superb tool partly because you can do so much varied work with them. For example besides cultivating land for vegetables and gardens they are in common everyday use for:
.... Making pathways for walkers and cyclists .... For excavating archaeological remains by Archaeological teams .... Drainage trenches by road workers .... Fire breaks by forestry workers ... Clearing undergrowth by horticultural workers ....
So whether you refer to them as a Chillington Heavy Duty Hoe, a Digging Hoe, Heavy Duty Azada or Digging Azadas here in Europe, they are certainly a "Great Tool" what ever their name is around the world.It's also a tool that can last a life time. I suppose we should call them "Grandpa's tools", because you will most likely find them in his garden shed. The handles are rough and ready and do the job in hand better than other modern tools.
Chillington (a UK company based in the West Midlands) are the worlds leading manufacturer of these tools. They have been manufacturing them for over 100 years.