Bumblebees are of immense value in the garden as they are highly effective pollinators and are not aggressive. Install a bumble bee nest to encourage them into your garden. Instructions and bedding included.
This natural look bumble bee nest is constructed of sustainably produced timber, comprising an outer and inner chamber. Within the inner chamber is a piece of cotton waste which is ideal material for nest building. Ventilation is provided by a small opening covered with fine mesh net.
The lid may be removed to inspect progress of the nest through the transparent inner lid.
The nest is best sited at ground level out of direct sunlight. It should be in place by the end of March as the first bees are likely to emerge from hibernation during April.
To re-use the nest the old nesting material should be removed and the interior cleaned. It may then be stored over winter and set out again the following spring with a fresh supply of nesting material.
Length: 26cm Height: 17cm Width (including shelter) : 15cm