Our new Premium raised pond design used the same inch and quarter thick planed and bull nosed boards as our Premier raised beds which build up to produce a very attarctive pond. The external dimensions are 1.2m x 1.2m with an internal measurement of 1m x 1.2m.
The structure is very strong with a 10cm square post at each corner which tie the side boards together and supports the finishing rail around the top of the pond. The wide finishing rail also serves as a seat, it is finished at the corners with a half lapped joint rather than a mitre to give a very firm fixing and to minimise movement in hot weather. The half lapped construction also means that the finishing rail can be assembled before being attached to the pond which makes fitting over the liner much easier.
The pond includes a high quality pond liner which is easily fitted by folding into the structure and stapling around the top. The top edges of the liner are then covered by the wide finishing rail to give a neat and attractive finish.
The timber supplied is treated against rot so does not need any further treatment but to further enhance the look of our Premium pond we suggest using a wood oil (e.g. restol) to keep the wood supple and give the longest possible lifespan. Left untreated the pond will last a minimum of 10 years but with an application of 'Restol' every 2 yrs it will last at least twice as long.