Super Sweet 100 is disease resistant, giving plants in a better chance where certain problems are soil borne. You’ll be eating them off the vine before ever making it to the salad bowl.
They are perfect for snacking, salads, and even juice. Super Sweet 100 lives up to its name; the sweetest and most flavorful are picked when completely ripe. The indeterminate vines continue bearing until frost.
Give them a tall support because they grow and grow over the top of the cage and back down again. Resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F), and nematodes (N).
Seeds per pack: 5
February to March. Sow 5 seeds into a small pot (7cm) and keep in a warm place. Pot on into individual 7cm pots when ready. Plant into greenhouse or polytunnel.
Between rows: 50cm.
Between plants in the row: 50cm.