Effective Organic Slug Control
Slugs and snails are the biggest menace to the vegetable gardener, they can wipe out young seedlings and destroy more established plants with their voracious appetites. I prefer using an organic method to deal with these guys and find the Slug-X an excellent solution.
This slug trap will help you get rid of slugs and garden snails. The movable trap kills dozens of slugs overnight; this is a bit grisly when you come to empty it but it certainly works. Effective control of this slippery menace.
Leave it to a gardener in rainy Ireland to improve on the tried-and-true "beer cup" method of trapping slugs. The Slug-X Trap has a low roof that keeps beer bait fresh and concentrates its enticing aroma.
Inside, three large reservoirs vanquish an army of slugs and snails—dozens a night in badly infested gardens! Best of all, Slug-X doesn’t need to be buried, so it can be relocated easily without leaving holes behind.
How To Use:
- Place the beer trap in position
- Remove lid and fill all 3 wells to within 5mm from the top
- Wipe up any spillage around the interior wells
- Replace lid - the trap is set
- The trap should be emptied every few days depending on the infestation.
Handy tip: If you don't have any beer (or don't want to waste any), sugar or yeast with hot water will also lure them into the trap.
Further Info:
Chemical slug pellets can be damaging to the environment as the bait can also be attractive to birds, small animals and pets. Many birds and animals eat slugs and can also be harmed by eating poisoned slugs rather than eating the bait directly. Beer slug traps have been a very effective solution for years, this one is just an improved version of a tried and tested method.
Like many people I know our friend the slug is attracted by the smell of beer (it's the fermented yeast that attracts them). The Slug-X beer trap is an improved version of the traditional beer filled jam jar trap buried in the ground. We use these all the time and though it's not such a pleasant sight you wont believe the amount of slugs you've trapped when you check it in the morning.
The difference is that slug-X has a low roof which keeps beer bait fresh while concentrating its delicious aroma which will entice and trap our friend Mr slug. The unit also offers a very attractive dark place for the slug to crawl into and this trap ensures it makes a serious dent in your gardens slimy slug population.
For best results simply place the slug trap anywhere in your garden and wait. No digging or ground preparation required, this slug trap can be easily moved around your vegetable plot for maximum effect.