Sustainable & Eco Friendly Green Manure Seeds
Best sown in spring and left growing for the year. A unique mix of various clover types – Alsike,Crimson, Persian etc. Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and are excellent for attracting wildlife.
Pack contains enough for 20 square meters - 125g per pack
Clover is a handy fast growing green manure which is an excellent nitrogen fixer so perfect for adding some va va voom to your garden soil. It provides excellent ground cover which helps smother weeds and has an extensive root system which prevents nutrients leaching out over wet winters.
Sow between April and September for good ground cover, clear existing weeds first for best results. Flowers are attractive to beneficial insects like bees and ladybirds which in turn help pollination and insect control in the vegetable garden.
Clover is a member of the legume family (peas and beans) which takes nitrogen from the air and stores it in its root nodules. When the clover is dug into your soil the nitrogen in the root nodules is released. Grow clover if you are following with leafy greens like sprouts, cabbage, kale or broccoli.
Sow between April and September.
Why sow green manures?
As we know vegetable growing takes a lot out of the soil because we remove the a portion of the soils nutrients every time we harvest a crop. Green manures are just crops we grow to dig back into the soil and provide nutrition for the follow on crop. Different plants provide different nutrients but in the main we use nitrogen fixing plants as green manures as they capture nitrogen from the air and release it back into the soil when you dig them in.
Green manures are also grown as a cover crop for the winter months to protect bare soil. Nitrogen and other soluble nutrients can be washed out of uncovered soil in wet winter weather and can leave your garden soil lacking in the spring. The green manure crop will protect the soil and store valuable nutrients in their roots, stems and leaves. Green manures also suppress weeds meaning you will have less trouble clearing your plot in the spring.