onions and garlic

How To Grow Garlic

How To Grow Garlic


Growing garlic is both easy and satisfying: it's well-suited to both the first time gardener and the more experienced. A haul of freshly harvested garl … Read more


How to Grow Onions

How to Grow Onions


Onions are one of the most popular vegetables for growing in home gardens and are one of the first crops of spring. They can be stored over winter thus making … Read more


November Tips in the Vegetable Garden

November Tips in the Vegetable Garden


I feel a bit guilty about my post last week where I said there was nothing to do in the November garden so I thought I would offer a few tips today. It is true t … Read more

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Planting early onion sets in January

Planting early onion sets in January


Onions have to be one of the easiest crops to grow and will reward you with delicious crisp bulbs with a homegrown flavour all their own. Onions can be grown fro … Read more

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The Health Benefits of Garlic

The Health Benefits of Garlic


You have to hand it to garlic for it’s sheer audacity, showboating through the kitchen, loving the attention it gets as its aroma permeates everything whether be … Read more

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