plant feed

When to Feed Tomato Plants

When to Feed Tomato Plants


Q - My tomato leaves are yellowing but they seem to be producing good fruit, do I need to feed them? This question we received from a reader is a very go … Read more


How To Make Comfrey Tea Plant Fertiliser

How To Make Comfrey Tea Plant Fertiliser


Comfrey leaves are highly regarded as a natural and sustainable plant feed. The plant's far-growing roots enable it to extract nutrients from deep in the s … Read more


Soil health, plant feed & pruning fruit.

Soil health, plant feed & pruning fruit.


I know I have looked at soil and plant feeds a number of times over the years but, for the benefit of new growers, I think it may be helpful to cover it again … Read more

By Andrew

Seed & Potting Compost Review

Seed & Potting Compost Review


I thought it might be a good idea to follow last week's mail on sowing seeds with some notes on seed and potting compost. It might seem like a boring subject but … Read more

By admin

October 2020 in the Quickcrop Garden

October 2020 in the Quickcrop Garden


While I am not a fan of of winter I do enjoy preparing for it. There is great satisfaction in harvesting and storing crops in October, protecting … Read more

By admin

How to feed fruit and vegetable plants

How to feed fruit and vegetable plants


As we are coming into the main planting and sowing time I thought I would cover soil and plant feed as they are such an important part of the garden. I know I … Read more

By admin